The Ease or Difficulty of Forgiveness
What is our capacity to forgive dependent on?
Are there people that we find easier of more difficult to forgive.
Does God have a great capacity to forgive?
1 John 1:9 simply says " If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
Do I find myself forgiving some easier and others more difficult?
Why is it that the desire to forgive is stronger towards some and not others?
How much does God longs to forgive us and why?
I believe that God has a deep and strong desire to forgive us when we sinned against him or our fellowmen. God hates sin and He hates death, and breaking of fellowship and relationship is a form of death - a separation, a disunited oneness. God longs to forgive because He desires fellowship, communion, oneness. It is the nature of God = LOVE to desire oneness, communion, fellowship and sharing.Our weak capacity to have deep communion with Him does not stop Him from desiring this connection with us. It is His great love for us that determines His great and strong desire to forgive us.
In Luke 15 - the story of the return of the prodigal son shows to us the longing of the Father to be reunited with the son. The Father ran to the son when he saw the son a far. He threw his arms to embrace the returning son. He has been waiting a long time stretching his vision hoping to see the shadow of the son's returning. He has great love for his son.
1 John 3:1 " Beloved, behold , what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God."
Our desire and capacity to forgive someone is really dependent upon how much is our love for that person. ...???
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