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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

"Did God ask you to come?"

He has been taking his [ good, more expensive ] medication properly since his release from the hospital. I have never consider him to be a "mentally ill" person. I have known him since his teens.
Parents were divorced and he was trying to find his place in an adult world. When he knew Christ, he was on fire for God. He's caring especially towards the elderly. Not a selfish person, always wanting to say the most encouraging words to the elderly aunties. He was a God-chaser [ even b4 -Tommy Tenny ] He had stayed with my family for a few months during one of those "down moments" needing medication. In "clear moments" throughout all these years [ over 10 years ], he always say that those were wonderful time. And he would always say it with that familiar happy smile. Today I saw that smile again except his 2 front teeth are gone. There was a time where he went missing for 21 days after walking out of a "center". It was really scarry when his mother called my wife to accompany her to the hospital to identify a dead person. What if it was him? Finding him on the 21st. day is another miracle story to be told.
Today, he asked" Did God move your heart to come and see me?" I fumbled like " well, yes an errr.." I really did not want it to sound spiritual. But that was important to him: it means to him that God has heard his prayer. I wasn't sure whether God told me to visit him or not. All I know is that if I was him I would like me to visit him. So I did. After all these years of being in and out of hospital and centers, this is the best he has ever been. He was very articulative about thoughts and emotions, and many times he would stop to find out what I was thinking. He even asked me if I was troubled " as though sensing something within me". I was thankful to God that he was even able to feel for another. I never doubted that of him. It's just that most of the time, he was so zombied by the medication.
His ' God spoke to me" was "chun", nothing spooky or flaky. God was assuring him of His presence, His remembrance of all the good works that he has done. God was asking him to fix his eyes on Him. I was thrilled. It was like the first period of his walk as a Christian: only now it comes with a steadiness and maturity.
Tomorrow his mum will visit the doctors and he might be spending a little more time with me.
I am waiting to hear new things from him.
Thanks be to God.


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Alpha Lim said...

"I wasn't sure whether God told me to visit him or not. All I know is that if I was him I would like me to visit him."

isn't this doing what Jesus said about doing unto others as we would have others do unto us?

and also "when you have done it to the least of these my brethren you have done it unto me."

so I think in that sense it was God who asked you to go visit him : ).


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