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Monday, March 06, 2006

Name it, claim it?

As Chris dialogue with me, I found the word to describe my "unease" or "disease".
It's called dying. Ah.......Dying. Wow.....relief...erh.
Still I think, I felt better.

If you hear sounds at the back of your kitchen while getting a drink at midnight, you want to know what exactly it is. Is it a cat, a mouse or a ......thief???
With much precaution you determine to find out the source of that sound. Once you could name the "thing" you decide on your next action. If it is not a thief, you get back to sleep with peace of mind. As long as you can't name the "sound" you will continue to be unease, worried, fearful and a lot good energy is wasted.
So name your "disease" and make you next decision.


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