Soulmates in Jesus.
Giving testimonies about our victories and blessings - is wonderful. Not being able to open and share confidently about my struggles, mistakes, failures and defeats to my small group is a shame - the absence of a true community?
My heart grieved so much when I hear of someone telling me that it will be shameful to return to a small group to share about a defeat after sharing about a victory some months back. A true community can only truly happen when there is a safe place for vulnerability and honesty.
Striving to build a real, honest, authentic, transparent, transformational community of God lovers must be an ongoing quest for FCC.
We do not want a plastic, artificial, phony, veneered, respectable crowd where every person tries to look good to outshine one another of how blessed they are with God on their side.
Today people are looking for truth, real & honest relationships, real spirituality, authentic God-encounters. They are fedup with entertainment, celebrity preachers, programmes and endless activities - they want real, genuine, transformational encounters with God and fellow-men.
The church must be a safe place that we can bare our souls, our pain, our struggles and find others who also baring their souls holding our hands and walking together on the road of grace and transformation.