
ourgig - "our God is good" hopes to build an authentic community of fellow sojourners of faith, love and joy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What's the use of crying?

Some people have cried a lot and they know little or no joy in life. Most people laugh a little and cry a little and the rest of life is just ordinary or mundane and boring. Some of those who have cried a lot have also learnt not to cry anymore [ although they could still be crying inside]. Neither can they really laugh or their laughter seems hollow. They have learnt to be tough on the inside and they can also be tough on others. I am fearful of the day that I cannot cry anymore when I refuse to feel anymore my own pain or the pain of others. I realised that those who honestly faced their own pain, bring it before the Lord for His healing touch also experience a true liberating joy. He surely can turn my mourning into dancing. The wounded can be healed and they move on to become wounded healers. They are familiar with their own grief and they are touched by the pain of others. I think I cry quite easily and I am not ashamed. I can also laugh and leap for joy easily. There's always a song and a dance, even in the midst of the tears.
Today, are you afraid to cry? Don't. There might be a song and a dance waiting for you. Your dance partner is also your healer.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

How am I b4 how are u?

I think more and more of the people at FCC church are being set free to share more honestly with one another. That's wonderful. Deep within each of us is the cry to be known and loved. I realised that the way for that cry to be heard is first of all for us to be honest with ourself. How am I today? Do I take ownership of my brokeness and my belovedness in the safe presence of the Lover of my soul? Our forefather comes before his Father in his nakedness until shame came in through disobedience. Then he hides and covers himself with leaves and starts blaming the other species for his pain and dis-ease. How often we cover our shame, pain and wounds and hinders healing. True connection with another humankind is possible when we are willing to confront and know our true self before Him who is unshocked by our nakedness. My self-disclosure to myself paves the way for me to be truly known and loved by another and to empower another to do likewise. So b4 the how r u? How am I?
Today, I am weak, I am afraid, I am shaken and also at rest, I am strong, I am loved and I am loving because I am His. So how are you?

Monday, June 13, 2005

A new Experience: Bible & Cigarettes

Last Saturday, I had a new experience of talking about Jesus with some new friends. The new experience was more for me as I sat with my new friends who were asking me question on spirituality as they continue to puff their cigarettes. The Bible and cigarette packs were lying side by side on the table. I felt strangely comfortable and happy in that enviroment, as I respond to their queries on spiritual matters, surrounded by "salem glory" smoke. I like their honest questions. I enjoyed that conversation very much and somewhere in my heart, I am comparing some "not so honest conversation" that sometimes Christians indulged in purposelessly. Their quest was genuine; again I sense myself contrasting it with "shallow" talk that Christians engaged in much of the time when they are together. Our christian conversations may be 'holy, unsinful, cussless" but they are also very 'Holey and empty".

Would Jesus be happy to talk spirituality with people as they puff away their cigarettes?
What do you think?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

From Coffee Bean to Teh Tarik.

Anybody else doing teh tarik ministry?
Someone commented that I have an anointing for ministry of fellowship. Have anyone else heard of such an anointing?
The same suggested that this teh tarik ministry might go international: IMTT: International Ministry of Teh Tarik.
For those folks outside of Malaysia: Teh tarik is tea made at Indian Mamak stalls by the same. The special brew is specially pulled [ tarik ] from teapot to pot to give a special smooth effect.
Others reading can add more specific explanation for the white man to understand about teh tarik.
From Starbuck, Coffee Bean to Kopitiam > Are people desiring and returning to a more unpretentious, less " let's be hip and act cool" , get real , " i am not here to impress" genuine, simpel way of relating?

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Can he belong before he believes?

It is awesome to witness lives being transformed and people coming alife within a group of people who are emerging into community life. Borrowing workable and biblical themes from the emergent conversation about community life, we confessed our church & cell vision as one which is moving towards an authentic, transformational and missional community.
C and A [ a couple with 2 kids ] is one example of lives being transformed: as least from my perspective. If you ever asked C whether he is a Christian or not, you would probably not get a clear affirmative answer. He is usually very quiet during church services although he smiles whenever you approach him. C had been coming with wife A and family to church for a number of years.They even attend our church camps yearly. He likes to be prayed for. The church had try to fit them into a number of cell groups; but at their last cell BBQ, I saw glimpses of transformation. He was "in"not out; He "belonged";he wasn't just there, He was"present"; he was just part of the community, interacting, responding, participated in the jokes [ not just smiling ].
Inspite of much constraints with work, raising 2 young kids and other problems, they would not miss their cell meetings. Even if they are late, they are eager to be there. They just do not want to miss the group's "fellowship". Why did they "fit in"?.
Is this a case of belonging before believing. Or has he believe? Can he belong to the group before he confess his belief correctly?
I found out that the couple felt very much cared for. When their kid was in hospital, at a phone call the cell leader was there with them. It was midnight. There is power in sacrifice. Bravo to the cell leaders who made the sacrifice and other sacrifice to show their care to this flock.